Community Development District Amelia Concourse Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Budget Amelia Concourse Community Development District CGDaeenpbeitt raSSSBBBRAASaleeeeeuuumm lRrrrr sdddFvooiiieeeeeggguirrrscssseeettnvee iittt222zzedr FaaNv000 Sutte011aiit nooru679Frnnddu AaBB yn SStuuBiccdvuddhheggdeeeegddtteuutllee PPPPPPPPPaaaaaaaaagggggggggeeeeeeeee 111111139--01234528 TABLE OF CONTENTS Amelia Concourse Community Development District General Fund Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget Thru Next Projected Budget Description FY 2023 5/31/23 4 Months 9/30/23 FY 2024 Revenues Assessments IRnetnetraels Rt eInvceon m-u Tee/aMx Risoclelllaneous Revenue $$$ 421 , 315400200 $$$ 42 78,,20 57 4244 $$$ 1 , 91 -2060 $$$ 4 2170 ,,20 1504204 $$$ 43 9 5 ,,00 5400400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 421,942 $ 435,370 $ 2,026 $ 437,396 $ 444,544 Expenditures IISFLPPPETTTAAAAAOODDMWnnuIetrrrsednnrroiuftCastfseisobaugfhpslmgnonoeusneieAbtpvaisceeieusrrattpsran tilseeerrirnm,Em nseaag nighA e lavLrtmeSCxenileeatgeeoiidgis uypcnsy uAcm tt rneeFveMo aepr ieauirFnAoeeennarnerntpdeanetrpstigensds oleitiis Repinnvttei TnessB sorettFsei aeiln&Cecnlnighesh dSaesnaiunrnor bcggleosegcsryiptions $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111124 0015771111222467 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000235000013555811345500005500000000570055570000030000000005000059 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 133 0151345577 ,,,,,,,,,, 15701345561223666 --- 17900033690046677 9 1220000333000355739 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 512222449 ,,,,,,,,, 72233456912334467 ---- 50000035700022369 5200000088003577790 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 11144 00057 1112244677 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,001250000035558 134578 00067000000005900255750001400000000030000599 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 11135 00011 11112245677 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0001100000135589 11345700388000000025560005570005900000000000000059 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 153,062 $ 115,116 $ 48,625 $ 163,741 $ 154,968 FIELD: Contract Services: LLMaaaknneda sMgceaampineet enMnta aCinnoctmeenpaanncye $$$ 2 577,,,036035049 $$$ 1 724,,,479946604 $$$ 1 022,,,434778202 $$$ 2 7 57,,,914614806 $$$ 33 02 7,,,090080080 Subtotal Contract Services $ 39,993 $ 25,200 $ 15,324 $ 40,524 $ 69,988 Repairs & Maintenance: ILRraernpigdaasitrcisao p&ne RM Ceaopinnatitriensngaennccey $$$ 11 061,,,080000000 $$$ 1 126,,,228208606 $$$ 135,,,158017044 $$$ 11 06 4,,,080000000 $$$ 11 08 4,,,000000000 Subtotal Repairs and Maintenance $ 27,800 $ 20,311 $ 10,489 $ 30,800 $ 32,000 1 Amelia Concourse Community Development District General Fund Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget Thru Next Projected Budget Description FY 2023 5/31/23 4 Months 9/30/23 FY 2024 EUWlteaicltiettrrii ec&s :Sewer $$ 1309,,280500 $$ 2 08,,225768 $$ 1100,,222328 $$ 1308,,450904 $$ 1359,,000000 Subtotal Utilities $ 50,050 $ 28,534 $ 20,460 $ 48,994 $ 54,000 Amenity Center: JIFCPPPPRHnaaeaeoooonscsooofbluiuiitllldllt riesoCCPMtaaeyroehynia nar MeciDmlntmearetioiiectnclsonatraelasnntciaoenncse $$$$$$$$$$ 1111 03661255 ,,,,,,,, 001705565600250000360068000000 $$$$$$$$$$ 1 41349 ,,,,, 501673456 -402480128801492257 $$$$$$$$$$ 12369 ,,,,, 00459136 --0001707700127088 $$$$$$$$$$ 111 346 11245 ,,,,,,,,05700067 5602400001160880006805 $$$$$$$$$$ 112 136 12256 ,,,,,,,,00800003 5600200000360020000000 Subtotal Amenity Center $ 71,674 $ 35,027 $ 24,047 $ 59,775 $ 68,312 Reserves: CCaappiittaall ROeustelaryve Fund $$ 7 54,,030603 $$ 75, 0 -00 $$ 1,0 -00 $$ 7 5 1,,000000 $$ 65,2 -76 Subtotal Reserves $ 79,363 $ 75,000 $ 1,000 $ 76,000 $ 65,276 TOTAL FIELD EXPENDITURES $ 268,880 $ 184,072 $ 71,320 $ 256,093 $ 289,576 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 421,942 $ 299,188 $ 119,945 $ 419,834 $ 444,544 EXCESS REVENUE $ - $ 136,182 $ (117,919) $ 17,562 $ - FY 2023 FY 2024 CollectionG &r oNDseisstc otsssfss U(mm7nee%inntstt) $$$44325113 4,,,70351458628 $$44$337329 4,,,00054948349 Gross Per Unit Assessment $989.21 $1,030.77 2 Amelia Concourse CommunitGye nDereaFlvY F e2u0nl2do4 Bp umdgeet nt District 3 REVENUES: Assessments eDTihitshet erDirc ibts ettro ii ncfutv nowdici leald lll edovfir yte hcaet lnGyoe tnno e atrhdae-lv pOarplooeprreeamrtitn ysg op Ewexcnpiaeelrn aodsris tpeulsrasecmse dfeo nort n tho tenh efai sNllc aatsla syxaaeuba rCle.o Tuphnroetyp a eTsrsatexys Rswmoiltelh.n itn m thaye Miscellaneous Revenue/Interest Income iInntceormeset rferocemiv beadn fkr oamcc oreusnidtse. nts for rental of clubroom or patio, other miscellaneous revenue and EXPENDITURES: Administrative: Supervisor Fees oF4nl aoenr iyndeuaaa rSl .t m aTtehueette iansm gaslol. ouwnt efoacr hth beo fairsdca ml yeemabr eisr btoa sreedc euipveo n$ 2fo0u0r p seurp mereveistionrgs naottte tnod einxgce aend e $s4ti,8m0a0t eind FICA Expense FwIiCthAh eexlpde fnrosem r tehper efesee nptasi dth teo E tmhep Blooyaerrd's o (fD Siusptreircvt’iss)o srhs.a re of Social Security and Medicare taxes Travel rEexlpaetends etsr atvheel Beoxapredn osef sS.u p ervisors may incur due to attending a CDD meeting or other District Engineering Fees DThiset rDicist tirniccltu'sd einngg ianteteenr dYaunrcoe & a nAds sporceipaatersa twioinll fboer pbrooavridd imnge egteinngesr,a el tecn. gineering services to the Attorney Ttmhhaeei n DDteiissnttarriniccctte,' s ic, taarlat ctceotnsu,dn eastneclc. eK ialinndsk pi rVeapna rWatyiko,n P PfoLrC mwoilnl tbhely p rmoeveidtiinnggs g, erneevriaelw l eogpale rsaetrivnigce as ntdo Annual Audit ETlhaem D, iGsatrinicets i s& r Feqraunirke, da na nInndueaplleyn tdoe cnotn Cdeurcttif aiend a Puudbitl iocf A itcsc ofiunnatnicniga lF riremco. rds by Berger, Toombs, Amelia Concourse CommunitGye nDereaFlvY F e2u0nl2do4 Bp umdgeet nt District 4 Dissemination Agent itac1Tsool2h lwni (enrbt aecrD)rqua(diuc5rsstri)t reer,a edidncmw ytwf hoe oiinristfc h t ahtrs h eG rfeqrooe euvrvBl iieaotrshrteneneedddsm Ss ab.eet my orn i otteaahrsldte 2iMd z0Saiate0tinci7ooaun,n grSa eiefltme yreri eeae ansnpf t2dot eSr0 reEt1 irxtn6vhcg,i hec a aenrDnsedi,gq s LSeturLe iiCrCrceio tetm mosm em2pan0rkitos1essv9 sii fAodaon nerB ttoOuhonpni dsct- isorso.ame nAtraepvnldli ycaR edbew.d doTiinetthhmidoe pnRsitaseuislrol uevfne ei c1espe 5.oa s(yfI c ctm$) o5(hve20ane)0srt- Assessment Roll rpTorhleelps D atyiosmt rdeicinsttt’ssr, i acastn sdpe srmsomapieenrnttaty i rnoo llwile annde bmrosi,o nkpis rftoerpra atSireoern i,ee Gss tM2o0Sp0,p 7LeL,l SCle,e rwtiteieslrl s2p,0 ra1odv6mi, daienn dsise Strrevaritciieeossn 2t o0o 1fp 9roAepp tBaioorenn daalss .s persisnmciepnatl Trustee Fees Tawnhidteh tD ahi esT tDrruiicssttt reiisecs tau. te UdS S Beraineks . 2T0h0e7 a, m20o1u6n,t &of 2 t0h1e 9trAu Cstaepei tfaele Ism isp braosveedm oenn tt hRee avgerneueem Beonnt dbse twwheiechn UarSe B haenldk Arbitrage 2T0h1e 6D, i&st 2ri0c1t 9isA r Ceqapuiitraeld I mtop arnonvueamlleyn ht aRveev aenn uaer bBiotrnadgse. rebate calculation on the District's Series 2007, Management Fees T"AAhg"re eo Def mitshteerni Mct tw arneitachge eiGvmoevse enMrtn aAmngaergeneetmamle eMnntat,. n Aacgceomunentitn Sge arnvdic eAsd. mThineissetr saetrivveic seesr avricee fsu arsth pearr ot uotfl ian Meda nina gEexmhiebnitt Information Technology vRiedperoe sceonntfse rceonsctisn rge slaetrevdic etos , tchloe uDdi ssttroircat’gse i nseforvrmiceasti aonnd s ysesrtevmerss,, wsehciucrhi tiyn, calcucdoeu bnutitn agr seo nftowt alrime, ietetcd. to Website Maintenance sabRecaecccpuokrrruedipstayesn n,a cetnestdc wt .f hiireteh cw Coahsltals pm ataesirsn o1tce8in9aat, enFdclo ewr, iuidtpahd Samttaeotsnu,i tdteoosrc. iuTnmhge easnnetd su emprlvaoiiacndetssa ,ii hnnoicnlsugtid ntehg es ai ntDedi sp dterorimcfota’rsim nw arenebncesei watesa slcesr,se wsametebedsn ititsne, Telephone The cost of telephone and fax machine service. Postage Mailing of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Insurance aTAghlleeian Dnciciesest.r . iFclto'sr iGdae nIenrsaul rLainacbeil iAtyll i&a nPcueb slipce Ocifafilciziaelss Linia pbriloitvyi dIinnsgu riannsucer apnocleic yc oivs ewraitghe Ftloo rgidoav eIrnnsmureanntcael Amelia Concourse CommunitGye nDereaFlvY F e2u0nl2do4 Bp umdgeet nt District 5 Printing & Binding sPtraitnitoinnagr ayn, edn Bveinlodpinegs eatgce. nda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, Legal Advertising iTnh ae nDeiswtrsipcat pise rr eoqf ugierneedr taol caidrvcuerlatitsioe nv.a rious notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc. Other Current Charges Includes bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that are incurred during the year. Office Supplies Miscellaneous office supplies. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions tThhee o Dnilsyt reixcpt eisn rseeq uunirdeedr ttoh ipsa cya taeng aonryn ufoarl tfehee tDoi sthtrei cDt.e partment of Community Affairs for $175. This is Field: Landscape Maintenance imTrhraieign aDtteiionstnarn iccmte a ahitna tsthe neco aSnnotccreiaa cls tHeedrav lliw.c eitsh tBo riaglhl t tVheie wco Lmamndosnc aaprienags Swerivthiciens tthoe pDroisvtirdiec t.l aInndcslcuadpeisn gp laanndt Vendor Description Monthly Annual Bright View Landscape Maintenance $2,749 $32,988 Total $32,988 Lake Maintenance Tsehrev iDceisst rtioc ta lhl aths ec olankteras cttherdo uwgihtho uSto tlihteu dDei sLtraikcet. M aintenance. to provide monthly water management Vendor Description Monthly Annual Solitude LCaokneti Mngaeinncteyn ance $493 $$15,,091846 Total $7,000 Amelia Concourse CommunitGye nDereaFlvY F e2u0nl2do4 Bp umdgeet nt District 6 Management Company The District has contracted with First Coast CMS for supervision and on-site management services. Vendor Description Monthly Annual First Coast CMS Management Fees $2,500 $30,000 Total $30,000 Repairs and Maintenance eRqeupirpemseenntts iann tyh efu Dnidsstr tihcta. t will be used to make repairs, replacements and maintenance to facility or IRrerpigreasteionnts R aenpya fiurnsd asn tdh aMt aairne tpeaniadn focer repairs to the irrigation system of the District. Landscape Contingency aRreep nreoste lnimtsi taeddd tioti, oinnsatla llalinndgs mcauplec hs,e rrevmicoevs en torte epsr,o avnidde sde aisno cnoanl tfrloawcteerd rsoetravtiiocens. . Services include, but Electric The cost of electricity for Amelia Concourse CDD for the following accounts with FPL: Location Meter Number Monthly Annual 8899C5555on0022t0011i0066n gAADDemmaaniicssaayyyrr yy LLllnnllii ss# CC Ett nSttr Lyi gLhigths t 14660679138926993457----02480789002512670123 $1$$$,0178$8944505156 $$11$$1803$,,,,699124863709029 Total $35,000 Water and Sewer Twhiteh c JoEsAt :o f water, sewer, and irrigation services for Amelia Concourse CDD for the following accounts Location Meter Number Monthly Annual 8888C5555on1222t0009i0000n gAAAAemmmmncaaaayrrrr yyyylllllllliiiissss CCCCtttt -- SWeawteerr 66667777888899991111777701182299 $$$256$$7715858134 $$$267$$,,,589693673912836 Total $19,000 Amelia Concourse CommunitGye nDereaFlvY F e2u0nl2do4 Bp umdgeet nt District 7 Insurance pTrhoev Didisintrgi cint shuarsa insscue ecdo vae Prraogpe etrot yg oInvesurnramnecnet palo aligceyn wciieths. Florida Insurance Alliance. FIA specializes in Pool Maintenance cThheem Diicsatlrsi catn hda bs accokn wtraaschteindg w oift hth Fei rAsmt Ceonaitsyt CCeMnSt efor rp pooolo. l cleaning, water testing, treatment, checking Vendor Description Monthly Annual First Coast CMS CPoonolt iMngaeinntceyn ance $1,200 $1$24,,000000 Total $16,000 Pool Chemicals The District has contracted with Poolsure for chemicals needed to maintain Amenity Center pool. Vendor Description Monthly Annual Pool Sure Pool Chemicals $1,083 $13,000 Total $13,000 Pool Permits Represents the estimated cost for pool permits. Cable/Internet Service The District has contracted with Comcast for cable and internet services. Vendor Description Monthly Annual ATT CCaobnltein &g eInncteyr net $134 $1$,630982 Total $2,000 Janitorial Services The District will contract with First Coast CMS to provide janitorial services for the Amenity Center. Vendor Description Monthly Annual First Coast CMS Janitorial Services $525 $6,300 Total $6,300 Amelia Concourse CommunitGye nDereaFlvY F e2u0nl2do4 Bp umdgeet nt District 8 Facility Maintenance The cost of routine repairs and maintenances of the District’s common areas and Amenity Center. Pest Control The estimated costs for Nadar’s Pest Control to provide monthly pest control services. Refuse Garbage disposal services provided by Meridian Waste. Vendor Description Monthly Annual Meridian Waste Refuse $55 $660 Total $660 Holiday Decorations The cost for First Coast CMS, LLC to install holiday lights around the CDD. Capital Reserve Fund Money set aside for future replacements of capital related items. Amelia Concourse Debt Service Fund Community Development District Series 2007 Adopted Adopted Budget Budget Description FY 2023 FY 2024 Revenues Special Assessments IOnttheerre sRte Ivnecnoumee Sour c(e1)s $$131946$,,685890330 $$131924$,,485290330 TOTAL REVENUES $512,076 $507,816 Expenditures SeDreiebst 2S0e0rv7ice Obligation $511,375 $507,816 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $511,375 $507,816 Other Sources and Uses Property Appraiser $701 $0 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES AND USES $701 $0 EXCESS REVENUES $0 $0 PGNlreuotss A sC sAosselslseescsmtsimeonnet nFtees & Discounts (7%) $$1112$027,,,248279044 f(o1r)e cRloespurrees epnrtosc Aesesdeisnsgmse.nts for Phase 1 platted lots only. Assessments on Phase 2 & 3 have been eliminated from 9 Amelia Concourse Debt Service Fund Community Development District Series 2016 Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget Thru Next Projected Budget Description FY 2023 5/31/23 4 Months 9/30/23 FY 2024 Revenues Special Assessments $149,500 $150,168 ISCnpaterercryiea Fsl toA Irsnwsceaosrmsdme Seunrtps-lu Psrepayments $97,1$45$300 $$19$453,,,384474371 $1,80$$$0000 $1$$519$0455,,,,138264748371 $1$48$822,,,070940$1000 TOTAL REVENUES $246,693 $263,829 $1,800 $265,629 $232,831 Expenditures SeIIPPPrnnrrritteiiinnneesrrccc 2eeiiipppss0aaatt1 lll--6 -PP15 rr5/1ee/1/pp11aayymmeenntt --1 51//11 $$$$$1135500555,,,,,000590000500000 $$$$$1235505555,,,,,000590000500000 $$$$$00000 $$$$$1235505555,,,,,000590000500000 $$$355335,,,088055$$00000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $166,450 $181,450 $0 $181,450 $142,700 Other Sources and Uses Property Appraiser $931 $1,439 $0 $1,439 $0 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES AND USES $931 $1,439 $0 $1,439 $0 EXCESS REVENUES $79,312 $80,940 $1,800 $82,740 $90,131 Interest 11/1/2024 $ 52,800 10 Amelia Concourse Amortization Schedule Community Development District Series 2016 Capital Improvement Bonds DATE BALANCE RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 11/01/23 1,795,000 $ 6.0% - $ 53,850 $ 164,350 $ 05/01/24 1,795,000 $ 6.0% 35,000 $ 53,850 $ 11/01/24 1,760,000 $ 6.0% - $ 52,800 $ 141,650 $ 05/01/25 1,760,000 $ 6.0% 35,000 $ 52,800 $ 11/01/25 1,725,000 $ 6.0% - $ 51,750 $ 139,550 $ 05/01/26 1,725,000 $ 6.0% 40,000 $ 51,750 $ 11/01/26 1,685,000 $ 6.0% - $ 50,550 $ 142,300 $ 05/01/27 1,685,000 $ 6.0% 40,000 $ 50,550 $ 11/01/27 1,645,000 $ 6.0% - $ 49,350 $ 139,900 $ 05/01/28 1,645,000 $ 6.0% 45,000 $ 49,350 $ 11/01/28 1,600,000 $ 6.0% - $ 48,000 $ 142,350 $ 05/01/29 1,600,000 $ 6.0% 45,000 $ 48,000 $ 11/01/29 1,555,000 $ 6.0% - $ 46,650 $ 139,650 $ 05/01/30 1,555,000 $ 6.0% 50,000 $ 46,650 $ 11/01/30 1,505,000 $ 6.0% - $ 45,150 $ 141,800 $ 05/01/31 1,505,000 $ 6.0% 55,000 $ 45,150 $ 11/01/31 1,450,000 $ 6.0% - $ 43,500 $ 143,650 $ 05/01/32 1,450,000 $ 6.0% 55,000 $ 43,500 $ 11/01/32 1,395,000 $ 6.0% - $ 41,850 $ 140,350 $ 05/01/33 1,395,000 $ 6.0% 60,000 $ 41,850 $ 11/01/33 1,335,000 $ 6.0% - $ 40,050 $ 141,900 $ 05/01/34 1,335,000 $ 6.0% 65,000 $ 40,050 $ 11/01/34 1,270,000 $ 6.0% - $ 38,100 $ 143,150 $ 05/01/35 1,270,000 $ 6.0% 70,000 $ 38,100 $ 11/01/35 1,200,000 $ 6.0% - $ 36,000 $ 144,100 $ 05/01/36 1,200,000 $ 6.0% 70,000 $ 36,000 $ 11/01/36 1,130,000 $ 6.0% - $ 33,900 $ 139,900 $ 05/01/37 1,130,000 $ 6.0% 75,000 $ 33,900 $ 11/01/37 1,055,000 $ 6.0% - $ 31,650 $ 140,550 $ 05/01/38 1,055,000 $ 6.0% 80,000 $ 31,650 $ 11/01/38 975,000 $ 6.0% - $ 29,250 $ 140,900 $ 05/01/39 975,000 $ 6.0% 85,000 $ 29,250 $ 11/01/39 890,000 $ 6.0% - $ 26,700 $ 140,950 $ 05/01/40 890,000 $ 6.0% 90,000 $ 26,700 $ 11/01/40 800,000 $ 6.0% - $ 24,000 $ 140,700 $ 05/01/41 800,000 $ 6.0% 95,000 $ 24,000 $ 11/01/41 705,000 $ 6.0% - $ 21,150 $ 140,150 $ 05/01/42 705,000 $ 6.0% 105,000 $ 21,150 $ 11/01/42 600,000 $ 6.0% - $ 18,000 $ 144,150 $ 05/01/43 600,000 $ 6.0% 110,000 $ 18,000 $ 11/01/43 490,000 $ 6.0% - $ 14,700 $ 142,700 $ 05/01/44 490,000 $ 6.0% 115,000 $ 14,700 $ 11/01/44 375,000 $ 6.0% - $ 11,250 $ 140,950 $ 05/01/45 375,000 $ 6.0% 125,000 $ 11,250 $ 11/01/45 250,000 $ 6.0% - $ 7,500 $ 143,750 $ 05/01/46 250,000 $ 6.0% 130,000 $ 7,500 $ 11/01/46 120,000 $ 6.0% - $ 3,600 $ 141,100 $ 05/01/47 - $ 6.0% 120,000 $ 4,200 $ 11/01/47 124,200 $ Total 1,795,000 $ 1,639,200 $ 3,544,700 $ 11 Amelia Concourse Debt Service Fund Community Development District Series 2019A Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget Thru Next Projected Budget Description FY 2023 5/31/23 4 Months 9/30/23 FY 2024 Revenues Special Assessments $212,603 $186,199 ISCnpaterercryiea Fsl toA Irsnwsceaosrmsdme Seunrtps-lu Psrepayments $88,9$75$000 $$39$244,,,350499093 $1,50$$$0000 $1$$839$6245,,,,135594999093 $1$37$772,,,095130$3700 TOTAL REVENUES $301,623 $317,231 $1,500 $318,731 $217,450 Expenditures SeIIPPPrnnrrritteiiinnneesrrccc 2eeiiipppss0aaatt1 lll--9 -PP15A rr5/1ee/1/pp11aayymmeenntt -- 15/11/1 $$$$44770015,,,,00160029$00050 $$$$$2347700015,,,,,000160002900005 $$$$$00000 $$$$$2347700015,,,,,000160002900005 $$$466588,,,055000$$06600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $226,815 $236,815 $0 $236,815 $182,013 Other Sources and Uses IPnrtoeprefurtnyd A Tprparnasifseerr $1,24$60 $$11,,674845 $55$00 $$12,,178945 $$00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES AND USES $1,246 $3,429 $550 $3,979 $0 EXCESS REVENUES $73,562 $76,987 $950 $77,937 $217,450 Interest 11/1/2024 $ 67,235.00 12 Amelia Concourse Amortization Schedule Community Development District Series 2019A Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds DATE BALANCE RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 11/01/23 2,425,000 $ 5.65% - $ 68,506.25 $ 05/01/24 2,425,000 $ 5.65% 45,000 $ 68,506.25 $ 180,741.25 $ 11/01/24 2,380,000 $ 5.65% - $ 67,235.00 $ 05/01/25 2,380,000 $ 5.65% 45,000 $ 67,235.00 $ 178,198.75 $ 11/01/25 2,335,000 $ 5.65% - $ 65,963.75 $ 05/01/26 2,335,000 $ 5.65% 50,000 $ 65,963.75 $ 180,515.00 $ 11/01/26 2,285,000 $ 5.65% - $ 64,551.25 $ 05/01/27 2,285,000 $ 5.65% 50,000 $ 64,551.25 $ 177,690.00 $ 11/01/27 2,235,000 $ 5.65% - $ 63,138.75 $ 05/01/28 2,235,000 $ 5.65% 55,000 $ 63,138.75 $ 179,723.75 $ 11/01/28 2,180,000 $ 5.65% - $ 61,585.00 $ 05/01/29 2,180,000 $ 5.65% 55,000 $ 61,585.00 $ 176,616.25 $ 11/01/29 2,125,000 $ 5.65% - $ 60,031.25 $ 05/01/30 2,125,000 $ 5.65% 60,000 $ 60,031.25 $ 178,367.50 $ 11/01/30 2,065,000 $ 5.65% - $ 58,336.25 $ 05/01/31 2,065,000 $ 5.65% 65,000 $ 58,336.25 $ 179,836.25 $ 11/01/31 2,000,000 $ 5.65% - $ 56,500.00 $ 05/01/32 2,000,000 $ 5.65% 65,000 $ 56,500.00 $ 176,163.75 $ 11/01/32 1,935,000 $ 5.65% - $ 54,663.75 $ 05/01/33 1,935,000 $ 5.65% 70,000 $ 54,663.75 $ 177,350.00 $ 11/01/33 1,865,000 $ 5.65% - $ 52,686.25 $ 05/01/34 1,865,000 $ 5.65% 75,000 $ 52,686.25 $ 178,253.75 $ 11/01/34 1,790,000 $ 5.65% - $ 50,567.50 $ 05/01/35 1,790,000 $ 5.65% 80,000 $ 50,567.50 $ 178,875.00 $ 11/01/35 1,710,000 $ 5.65% - $ 48,307.50 $ 05/01/36 1,710,000 $ 5.65% 85,000 $ 48,307.50 $ 179,213.75 $ 11/01/36 1,625,000 $ 5.65% - $ 45,906.25 $ 05/01/37 1,625,000 $ 5.65% 90,000 $ 45,906.25 $ 179,270.00 $ 11/01/37 1,535,000 $ 5.65% - $ 43,363.75 $ 05/01/38 1,535,000 $ 5.65% 95,000 $ 43,363.75 $ 179,043.75 $ 11/01/38 1,440,000 $ 5.65% - $ 40,680.00 $ 05/01/39 1,440,000 $ 5.65% 100,000 $ 40,680.00 $ 178,535.00 $ 11/01/39 1,340,000 $ 5.65% - $ 37,855.00 $ 05/01/40 1,340,000 $ 5.65% 105,000 $ 37,855.00 $ 177,743.75 $ 11/01/40 1,235,000 $ 5.65% - $ 34,888.75 $ 05/01/41 1,235,000 $ 5.65% 110,000 $ 34,888.75 $ 176,670.00 $ 11/01/41 1,125,000 $ 5.65% - $ 31,781.25 $ 05/01/42 1,125,000 $ 5.65% 120,000 $ 31,781.25 $ 180,172.50 $ 11/01/42 1,005,000 $ 5.65% - $ 28,391.25 $ 05/01/43 1,005,000 $ 5.65% 125,000 $ 28,391.25 $ 178,251.25 $ 11/01/43 880,000 $ 5.65% - $ 24,860.00 $ 05/01/44 880,000 $ 5.65% 130,000 $ 24,860.00 $ 176,047.50 $ 11/01/44 750,000 $ 5.65% - $ 21,187.50 $ 05/01/45 750,000 $ 5.65% 140,000 $ 21,187.50 $ 178,420.00 $ 11/01/45 610,000 $ 5.65% - $ 17,232.50 $ 05/01/46 610,000 $ 5.65% 150,000 $ 17,232.50 $ 180,227.50 $ 11/01/46 460,000 $ 5.65% 12,995.00 $ 05/01/47 460,000 $ 5.65% 155,000 $ 12,995.00 $ 176,611.25 $ 11/01/47 305,000 $ 5.65% 8,616.25 $ 05/01/48 305,000 $ 5.65% 165,000 $ 8,616.25 $ 177,571.25 $ 11/01/48 140,000 $ 5.65% 3,955.00 $ 05/01/49 140,000 $ 5.65% 140,000 $ 3,955.00 $ 143,955.00 $ Total 2,425,000 $ 2,247,570.00 $ 4,604,063.75 $ 13 Amelia Concourse Community Development District Capital Reserve Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget Thru Next Projected Budget Description FY 2023 5/31/23 4 Months 9/30/23 FY 2024 Revenues: Interest $500 CCaarpriyta Fl oRrewsearrvde S Fuurnpdluinsg - Transfer In $$7957,,080609 $1$07$952,,,309408506 $1,50$$000 $1$07$954,,,304408506 $1$36$352,,,825370060 Total Revenues $173,369 $187,330 $1,500 $188,830 $201,606 Expenditures CRaeppaitiarl aOnudt lRaeyplacements $20,00$00 $19,70$70 $$1205,,020903 $$1405,,000000 $$2500,,000000 Total Expenditures $20,000 $19,707 $35,293 $55,000 $70,000 Excess Revenues (Expenditures) $153,369 $167,623 ($33,793) $133,830 $131,606 14 Beginning Ending Planned % of Fiscal Year Balance Add Funding Add Interest Less Expenses Balance (budget) Balance (Study) Planned 2024 $133,830 $65,276 $1,227 ($62,601) 222000222567 $$$112037237,,,578037128 $$$333567,,,147136249 $$$122,,,257044035 ($((1$$267,,,348788118))) $$$$112202372367,,,,577803791258 $$$$223313470348,,,,156744562589 56662678%%%% Amelia Concourse CDD Reserve Study Funding Plan (Next 5 Years) 15